Flight Off
My big sister (CITRA) just left for Japan again. This time no tears involved in the Airport (which is good). Her flight was 9:40 pm. And she's taking Korean Air. She said that, that's the best price that she could get with the convenience.

Syaz : Why don't you take China Air Instead ? It's like the cheapest one ever right ?
Cit : Euuuwwh! Less money doesn't always to be less quality and hygene....
Syaz : Huh ?
Cit : Don't you know, in China Air they have this spit thing in every corner of the plane. Even the flight stewardess spit on it too!
Syaz : WTF ?!..
Cit : The stewardess are mean too! They're like chinese mean girls on plane. And Oh! the passanger..! They smell.. they have this smell. This awkward smell. Like so euwh..
Syaz : HAHA.. what is it ?
Cit : Maybe it's because they're chinese.... So they SMELL...
Syaz : HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.............
Cit : No , I'm kidding, That would be mean. HeeHee. It would be because of the spits.......
Syaz & Cit : (silence-- and looking at each other.. and laugh again.) HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA..
Syaz : So anyway sis, glad u're not on board on China Air. Have a pleasant flight!..

and while i'm continuing my words, theres a bunch of stewardess which I think they look like blue poodles with a really big ribbon on their neck which is disturbing me, cus it reminds me of suicide.
Cit : (looking over those blue poodles) Ah! that would be my flight. It's Korean Air.
Syaz : Ahh ? ...
Cit : Whaaaat ? Don't stare at them like that
and then, I hugged her.
and I miss her already.