
I hate the fact that I have to admit that this guy who I wanna write right now is my ultimate long lost Prince. Hey, c'mon people, it's not funny. And I'm not being cheesy at all. For you out there who likes Korean Movie as I love my Chocolate fondue - should've known this calm, composed yet assertive face.

He's 다니엘 헤니 (guess what I don't read nor speak korean), Okay he's DANIEL HENNEY

Me and my Sister Marsha just watched one of his movie called 'Seducing Mr.Perfect'. Where he plays ofc the main character , yes.. Mr.Perfect himself ! I think the character itself resembled to his own personality and profile. He speaks 5 diffrent language , sings , went to college and got the basketball scholarship, plays piano , got the brain and knows the way how to play the game. No wonder he got the part.

Aaaaaaa,he's so hot! I wanna melt like a fondue

PS : I can't write this, you just gotta watch the movie yourself :3

