A really GREAT typical 90's movie
Hey people, I'm gonna have a quick reviews from a scoop of my daily life. Yesterday I just watch one of Jennifer Aniston classic chick-flick movie. It's called THE OBJECT OF MY AFFECTION
I really Highly recomended this movie for all Young Womens out there :-D

This Movie goes beyond the obvious to ponder some of the deeper questions about love and the things we do to find it, keep it, and occasionally break our hearts over it. And It's NOT cheesy at All PEOPLE !!

It's about a young women named Nina ( played by Jennifer Aniston ) who just got divorced because her husband was cheating on her ( EX-HUSBAND i shud say.. ) and currently she's staying with her old high school friend named George who is GAY. But, unexpectedly, Nina is falling in love with George.. Now you see the picture , aight ?

They say you can't help who you love, and people have used that line forever to make terrible decisions about romance. This movie explores the idea that while you might not be able to help loving someone, you can still choose how you respond to that feeling.

this is my favorite line in the movie :

Nina: " I want you to be with me, I want you to marry me, I want you to love me the way that I love you.."

Nina: " Tell me, what do you want? "

George: " I want Paul.. "

Nina: " I want to look at you and not feel so hurt by you . ."

( i'm crying over in this scene )


You haven't yet seen this movie, it is a "must see". it is also worth owning on DVD So People! Grab Your Wallet and Go to the nearest DVD store in your town and Grab it ! It might be the best night of your movie nights :--) Don't forget to buy a pack of tissues ! Tears of joy people ! tears of joy...!
